Corporation ElektroPivdenMontazh
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Device of attenuators, resistors and capacitors
The "МАРК" is intended for carrying out measurements of high-frequency channels of relay protection, emergency control systems, communications:
  • Measurement of reserves by attenuation of hf signal;
  • Measurement of the signal attenuation in the HF cable, the filter of the connection, the HF path;
  • Checking of a HF path equipment;
  • Simulation of operating modes for diagnosing HF channel faults;
  • Checking the characteristics of passive and active filters of high-freq


Digital measuring kit
"Cyclone-115" is designed for:
  • Checking and measuring the main parameters, characterizing HF relay protection equipment of various types (UPZ-70, AVZK-80, PVZ, PVZ-90 (M), PVZU-M, PVZU-E, PVZL, "ORION" UPZ, etc.) with the ability to simulate signals;
  • Checking and measuring the main parameters, taking characteristics of HF devices of emergency control automation of various types (ANKA-AVPA, AKPA-V, AKAP-V, AKA “Kedr”, UPK-Ts, “ORION” APK, etc.);
  • Checking and measuring the main parameters, taking the c